Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday with my Fam

 Aubrey decided that she wanted them to wear their pretty princess dresses to church. We were running late as usual - but this is them right after church.

Brooke's hair turned out so cute. My mom dried Brooke's hair while in the curlers (I never have time for this - it's nice to have another woman in the house!) and her hair had such pretty curls. This is even after church and the curls stayed so pretty.

I got a nice curl in Aubrey's hair that was finally not too tight!

Brooke just loves Grandpa. After church she found him sitting on a chair and climbed right on his lap and sat with him for quite a while.

The girls wanted manicure's, so Grandma agreed to do their nails.

Aubrey got to spend quiet time playing with the fam. Esther and Bryan were nice enough to keep her entertained!

It was a nice visit with my family. We can't wait for Grandma & Grandpa's next visit!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chuck E Cheese's

A week ago Saturday my parents treated the girls and I to Chuck E Cheese's. The girls were sooooo excited to go. I think it had been almost a year (Brooke's first b-day party was I think the last time we were there.) I'm sure Brooke doesn't remember it, but she sure picked up on Aubrey's enthusiasm because she said all morning long, "I go Chuck E. Cheese" along with Aubrey.

Luckily I had one token that I found in my wallet, because they couldn't wait to get on the rides.

Aubrey was so happy to be there.

Catching some bees with Grandpa.

Playing a little air hockey with Grandma (My mom accidentally scored a goal.)

Brooke looked so cute stompin on the buttons.

Playing ball with Grandpa.

During pizza, the show began. Aubrey was excited to get to run up and dance.

Brookie and Grandma had to join in the fun too.

Aubrey is so excited to have mastered these enclosed play grounds. This time she wasn't tentative inside it. She crawled everywhere. Here she is poking out her cute little head!

This bike ride was Brooke's favorite ride.

Brookie looked so cute wandering around with Grandma.

She could barely reach the sharks - but oh how she looked so cute trying.

The girls had so much fun at Chuck E. Cheese. Almost everyday since they've asked if we could go again. Aubrey even keeps asking when Grandma & Grandpa are coming again - in hopes they will take her since mean mommy tells her no!

When Jeff came home the girls told him all about our day. Brooke even acted out the robot ride for him. It was so cute. Then during bath time Brooke spent the whole time with her tub crayons drawing pictures of each ride and telling me about them.

Thanks Mom & Dad - the girls had a BLAST!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Even More Valentine's Fun

My parents came to visit last weekend and brought the girls little valentine baskets. I told my Mom how much they loved making the scavenger hunt for Daddy, so she made one up for them. They were so excited to go on their hunt Saturday morning.

Off they run in search of their next clue.

Aubrey excited that she found another clue.

Brookie finding a clue.

I love how excited they both look in this picture.

Yay - they found their baskets and had fun seeing all of their fun gifts!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gotta Love'em

 Brooke is just the girliest little girl. Here she is sporting her tutu and carrying her Minnie Mouse purse. She insists on taking the purse with her almost every time we leave the house.

The other day Brooke fell and hit her head on a cinder block. Here she is with her sad little black eye and cheek. She must have hit her belly first and slid down cause her tummy has scratches all over it too. Poor thing.
Little Brooke is just not so little anymore. She can do and say so much these days. She is just a little person now. One day I was wearing a new shirt. When Brooke saw me she said, "I like green shirt." How cute is that, that my 1 year old noticed my new shirt and complimented me on it!
We are working on being polite. When I give her something I ask her to say Thank you to which she replies, "Thank me."

She is loving saying prayers these days. Aubrey mentioned one day that we should raise our hands when we want to say the prayer, something I'm sure she has picked up from primary. Anyway, Brooke will raise her cute little hand when I ask "who wants to say the prayer?" She still talks in a little whisper. She'll say some of her own stuff and I'll supply her with some of it. When I get to the end I'll say, "in the name" and then she'll say the whole ending all on her own, "In the name of Jesus Christ Amen." It's so cute - especially because she has the biggest smile when she says "Amen."

The other day I asked her what her name was and she said, "Cutie Pie." Aubrey and I kept asking her that question through the day and we got a different response every time: "Brookie", "Brookie Bug", "Brookie Cookie", "Monkey pants". I don't think we ever got just plain Brooke. With all of her nicknames the poor girl probably doesn't actually know what her name is!

Today I was trying to do something on the computer and Brooke was playing on the floor next to me. The computer was not cooperating and I made some sort of exasperated sound. Brooke immediately reached up to my leg and patted it. When I looked down and smiled at her she said, "Pat mommy, Mommy sad, mommy cry." How sweet is she!!

Even with all of that sweetness she does have a naughty side too. Her favorite word these days is, "no". She even says it when she really means "yes". Someday I should count to see how many times she says no - it would be a very large amount for sure!

She also really likes to get a reaction out of Aubrey - and let's face it - it's pretty easy to do. She'll poke or pinch or butt heads or knock down toys just to make Aubrey cry. Then she'll laugh or smile and do the same thing again and again. What a turkey. I tried to explain to Aubrey tonight that if she didn't make such a big stink about what Brooke did to her, she would stop doing it. Aubrey didn't really like or agree with that conversation!

Aubrey is still the inquisitive and funny little monkey in the house. One morning she asked me, "Mommy are you getting old?" How do you respond to that one! Actually Jeff fessed up that that question was his fault because he told her that he was getting old.

The other day she had a little flap of skin coming off by the side of her fingernail. She saw it and said, "A part of my finger is coming off. If it comes off, people won't know it's me." As if missing that little piece of her finger would make her completely unrecognizable!

This is a conversation we had the other day while we were driving:
Aubrey: Every day I think about what I want to be when I grow up." 
Me: Well what are you thinking about today that you'd like to be when you grow up.
Aubrey: I want to live at that house where the poo poo and pee pee go.
Me: What are you talking about Aubrey?
Aubrey: Remember you told me that the poo poo and pee pee go some place
Me: Yeah I told you that they go through pipes and then to the sewer.
Aubrey: Right, and isn't there a house there.
Me: I think there is probably an office there.
Aubrey: And do people live there.
Me: Well, people work there
Aubrey: Yeah, that's where I want to work when I grow up.

Quite the aspiration she has! Today we had a similar conversation and she told me she wanted to be a Mommy when she grows up. Even though that's a much better aspiration - she'll still be up to her ears in poop and pee!

Aubrey will pick up big words from us or from shows and then use them in conversation. One day she heard the word distracted. Then she used it in the correct context several times that day. Today I asked her a question and she began her reply with, "Well it's interesting . . " I smiled when she used that big word and she said, "I'm practicing using the word interesting." Funny kid.
A few days ago during quiet time, Aubrey took every item of clothing out of her drawers and scattered them around the room. I was NOT happy, especially since I had just reorganized her drawers a few days before. As I was very angrily picking it up, Aubrey said, "I wrote you a note, can I read it to you?" Her note said, "Dear Mommy, You love me even when I am naughty . . ." I certainly did need the reminder.
Tonight Aubrey read two books to me before bedtime.  She was so proud of herself. My parents handed down to me the books that they taught all of us kids to read with - Wise phonetic readers. We had been working on them about 6 months ago and Aubrey had the first one down. When we started working on the second one she started getting antsy, so I decided to put them away for a bit. Anyway, I got them out tonight and she breezed through the first one. The second one took a bit more time, but she got through it very well.  I'm gonna spend some more time with her and these books, because she has always loved books and I think she would be soooo happy to get to read them on her own and to her sister!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine Festivities #2

 Valentine's Day started with Brooke insisting that she give herself a manicure. She just wants to be a big girl so bad.

Here's the damage. Luckily it's kids stuff that peels right off.

Then we had heart pancakes for breakfast.

After breakfast the girls packaged up our valentines and treats for daddy. And we hid it and made a little scavenger hunt for him. The girls had an absolute blast hiding clues for daddy. I would read the clue and then they would run to the appropriate place and hide the clue. They thought this was the best game ever.

Then they decorated the house with streamers and balloons. This entertained Aubrey for hours.

We had streamers like this all over the house.

As soon as daddy came home for lunch they gave daddy his first clue for his scavenger hunt.

 As soon as he would read a clue they would run ahead and find his clue for him.

Helping daddy find his package in Aubrey's closet (Aubrey's choice for the hiding spot.)

Then I snuck out and ding dong ditched the girls valentine presents.

Then Aubrey ding dong ditched her valentines for me and Brooke.

Brooke still holding her valentine present.

I had to take a pic. of Brooke's valentine's cause I thought they turned out so cute for a 1 year old.

The girls having fun with their new and old Snap'n'style dolls.

The girls love these! I would have loved these as a girl too. They are a plastic version of paperdolls. And they are really big so that little ones can snap on the clothes.

While the girls were in nap and quiet time I made some heart bread bowls for the stew.

I wasn't sure how they would turn out after they had risen and baked, but I was pretty pleased with the result.

Aubrey and I made a heart shaped brownie for dessert. I was going to have them decorate it with sprinkles, but it took too long to cook and we ran out of time.

After dinner Jeff & I got to go and and see the play, "The Importance of being Ernest". It was such a funny play and the acting was really good.

We had such a fun Valentine's day! The girls make all holidays so much fun!