Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine Festivities #2

 Valentine's Day started with Brooke insisting that she give herself a manicure. She just wants to be a big girl so bad.

Here's the damage. Luckily it's kids stuff that peels right off.

Then we had heart pancakes for breakfast.

After breakfast the girls packaged up our valentines and treats for daddy. And we hid it and made a little scavenger hunt for him. The girls had an absolute blast hiding clues for daddy. I would read the clue and then they would run to the appropriate place and hide the clue. They thought this was the best game ever.

Then they decorated the house with streamers and balloons. This entertained Aubrey for hours.

We had streamers like this all over the house.

As soon as daddy came home for lunch they gave daddy his first clue for his scavenger hunt.

 As soon as he would read a clue they would run ahead and find his clue for him.

Helping daddy find his package in Aubrey's closet (Aubrey's choice for the hiding spot.)

Then I snuck out and ding dong ditched the girls valentine presents.

Then Aubrey ding dong ditched her valentines for me and Brooke.

Brooke still holding her valentine present.

I had to take a pic. of Brooke's valentine's cause I thought they turned out so cute for a 1 year old.

The girls having fun with their new and old Snap'n'style dolls.

The girls love these! I would have loved these as a girl too. They are a plastic version of paperdolls. And they are really big so that little ones can snap on the clothes.

While the girls were in nap and quiet time I made some heart bread bowls for the stew.

I wasn't sure how they would turn out after they had risen and baked, but I was pretty pleased with the result.

Aubrey and I made a heart shaped brownie for dessert. I was going to have them decorate it with sprinkles, but it took too long to cook and we ran out of time.

After dinner Jeff & I got to go and and see the play, "The Importance of being Ernest". It was such a funny play and the acting was really good.

We had such a fun Valentine's day! The girls make all holidays so much fun!


  1. i love all this valentine stuff! It reminds me of when we were little and mom would ding dong ditch our valentines. how fun :)

  2. Sounds like a great valentine's day! I've been looking into those little dolls that you posted about...I'm glad that your girls like them, I think we'll invest in some at the next birthday. I think they're adorable.
