Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine Festivities #1

We started our Valentine festivities Sunday night (well really all month with all of the crafts we did) with a FHE lesson on loving our Family. We played a Family Chutes and Ladders game that I had made for a primary activity a few years ago.

Then we made and ate Heart shaped pizza.

Aubrey saw me get out the camera and said, "Mommy take a picture of me with the pizza since I made it." Which was a pretty accurate statement. I made and shaped the crust and Aubrey added on the sauce and toppings by herself. I am pretty impressed with her ability to spread the toppings out so nicely on the pizza instead of making one big clump!

Brooke saw me take a pic of Aubrey and said, "Take picture of Brooke" and then struck this pose for me. What a little cutie pants!

The night before I had made red heart shaped rice crispy treats for dessert. And since I don't believe a dessert is actually a dessert unless there is chocolate in it, I piped on some melted chocolate chips.

Brooke definitely shares my opinion on desserts because she did not eat hers, but instead licked the chocolate off the top. (This is a common occurrence for her. She will pick out the chocolate chips out of cookies and muffins and not eat the rest.)

 Aubrey saw me taking a picture of Brooke eating her dessert and piped in, "Take a picture of me too."

Then Brooke said, "More pictures of Brooke."

  The Aubrey said, "More pictures of me." This went on and on until I finally said that I had enough pictures. I've created two monsters!

 While we were making the pizza, Jeff put up a little canopy/tent and decorated it for Valentines for Aubrey. She went to go see it after dinner.

This was her cute little expression when she saw it.

Then the girls had fun playing with the balloons.

Aubrey started the night sleeping with the tent down, but as expected she got scared and asked for us to pull it up.

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