Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Curly Hair

 On Saturday I continued my quest to get pretty curls in my girls hair without disrupting their sleep with sponge curlers.

My experiment: Use strips of fabric to tie up in their hair. (I've done socks in the past, but that was too bulky and hard for Aubrey to sleep in)

Notice the pretty red polish on Aubrey's nails. I even added a top coat because the instant dry polish tends to chip/wash off really easily. She sat so still for a long time allowing them to dry. And then the little monkey chipped off the middle of all of her nails Sunday morning.

I knew the fabric would make tight curls - but my hope was that if I untied them first thing in the morning, then the curls would relax a bit before church.
Well, since Brooke has such short hair on top, she ended up looking like a poodle. Not so pretty! Jeff's reaction was to laugh and then ask if I was going to give her a bath.

Instead of a bath, I re-rolled the top of her hair with curlers.

Aubrey's curls were much tighter than I wanted, but still looked cute. Very Shirley Templesque. And they did not relax at all before church or after church or even the next morning for that matter!

My adorable little Brookie Bug looking like a living Valentine on her way to church!

My Aubrey Kaye - oh how I love that face!

Her pics were taken after church and as you can see, the curls were still very much intact!

I already have an idea for Curly Hair Experiment number 3. We'll see if I get to it this Saturday. (No I don't think the girls have to have curly hair for church, I am just having fun experimenting with it!)

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