Sunday, February 13, 2011


Brooke was being a cute little monkey while I vacuumed yesterday.

When we were in Aubrey's room she discovered her apron and hot pad and had to put them on and "make food". (I may need to break out the sewing machine and make Brooke her own apron.)

 Then when we got to her room she discovered her babies. The day before Aubrey had filled the rocking chair with all of Brooke's babies. Brooke thought that was pretty cool, so she decided to do that again today. Then she climbed on in and repeated, "rock babies" over and over again. What a cutie pants.

After the chores, Aubrey wanted to make more valentine's. That girl does not tire of crafts! And as luck would have it, as they were decorating the mail man came to the door with a Valentine package from Grandma Buell - which included lots of stickers. They immediately put the stickers to good use on their valentine's!

Later in the afternoon, Aubrey and I got to go on a special Mommy Daughter date. One of the presents Jeff got us for Christmas was tickets to the ballet, Cinderella. Aubrey and I had been excited about it all week!

The day before Aubrey informed me that she had decided what she wanted to wear to the ballet. You must look like a princess if you are going to see a princess show! Then yesterday, as we were getting ready for the show, she told me how she wanted her hair done. I can't believe what a big girl she is becoming!
On the way to the show I mentioned something about it being a special date with her and mommy. Her response was, "But when does Brookie get a special date with Daddy." What a little sweetheart - she is always thinking about her sister!

We had such a fun time at the ballet. For a good portion of the show Aubrey sat at the edge of her seat with her eyes glued to the show. At intermission I told her it was a break and asked her if she needed to go potty. She responded, "I do need to go potty, but is the break a long break or a short break. Because I don't want to miss any of the show." Oh she is so much fun to have around! After the show we got to meet some of the ballerinas and she even got Cinderella's autograph. (Uncharacteristically, I did not bring my camera!) I Love getting to spend special time with my Aubrey!!

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