Saturday, February 12, 2011

Preschool - V is for Valentine

Preschool was at my house this week and I got to do the Valentine Party.

We started off with the crafts this time. I was hoping they would dry by the time it was over - but that did not happen.

First we made Valentine Vases with heart flowers for their Mom's.

Aubrey's  completed vase for Me.

Then we decorated sugar cookies. The night before I told Aubrey that they would be making Valentine's for their Mom's and Dad's. She insisted that she also get to make a Valentine for Brooke. I knew we wouldn't have time to add another craft to the day, so I decided the cookies that they were going to decorate would be for their siblings. After they decorated, I put the name of each of their siblings on the cookie that they choose for them.

Then we made heart frames for the Dad's. I had each Mom send me a photo of their child with their Dad. I had the pictures in the frames for them and ready to decorate. They loved seeing their pictures. They each had to look at each other's picture. It was really cute.

Then we made puppy sacks for them to collect their Valentine's in. After they made the sacks they each put in their Valentine they had brought for each other in the respective bags.

Then I had a little time left to actually talk to them about the letter V. I had printed off pictures of words that start with V (vacuum, van, vest, volcano, victory, violet, vanish, violin). They took turns drawing a picture out of the bag and we acted out the word. They had a lot of fun with this.

Then I demonstrated for them the word vanish by doing a magic trick. I made a quarter disappear. (A trick Jeff has been doing for years.)

Then they got to practice vanishing by playing Hide and Seek.

We tried to squeeze in eating Vegetables for a snack - but most of them just wanted to play instead.

It ended up being a fun preschool day.

As soon as it was over, Aubrey very excitedly gave Brooke her cookie she made for her. She made sure to decorate the purple one for Brooke. (She always makes sure Brooke gets the purple things because she knows how much Brooke loves purple.)

Brooke sure did Love her cookie.

Then Aubrey wanted to go through her sack of Valentines from her friends. She found some candy and set up this little picnic for her and Brooke. Aubrey is always very sweet to share with Brooke and usually I don't even have to ask her to - she does it on her own.

Then we had the Smith's come over and help us decorate the rest of the cookies.

Brooke was so happy to get to join in on the fun. She was being a cute little decorator.

 Cute cheesy smile!

Clayson was their too enjoying the yummy cookies and sprinkles.

After the cookies the girls got into costume and put on many plays.

Aubrey changed costumes after each play, but Zoe and Brooke were content to remain a witch and a ballerina.

The only play I remember is Zoe the witch was after Brooke the ballerina. Aubrey the fairy runs in and saves the ballerina from the witch.

1 comment:

  1. I love those cute bags! I loved seeing them in person too. Thanks for the Valentine treats. The kids loved it.
