Monday, March 14, 2011

Double Baby Shower

My cute expecting little sisters Summer & Esther. Summer on the left is having a boy and Esther on the right is having a girl.

My Mom flew out last weekend so we could throw my sisters a double baby shower.

My sister Cindy, who lives in Texas, did the cute invitations.

My SIL, Katie made the decorations. They looked so cute! (The cake though was from Costco. We all know how to decorate cakes, but none of us had the time!)

My Mom made the scrumptious food!

I was in charge of the games. Esther is always making up funny little competitive games for us to play, so I thought that's what I'd do for their shower. I based the games around what they'll experience as new mothers.

When you have your first baby, you're going into it blind. You don't know exactly what your getting into, until that baby arrives. So we had blind folded diaper change races.

I had my girls each bring a baby and a diaper so they could play along too. They were so intrigued with the game though that they forgot about their babies.

As a mother you have to learn how to do many tasks simultaneously while holding your baby. The game was: they had to have a hot pad on one hand, hold the baby in the other arm, and scoop out little pacifiers that their baby had dropped into their bowl of cheerios. (If the cheerios fell out, then they had to be put back in the bowl - because what Mommy wants a mess!)

When you have children you feel like you're always in a guessing game. Why are they crying? Are they sick, teething, hungry . . .? How long are they going to sleep tonight? So we played a Guessing game - The Price is Right baby item guessing game. They had to guess the amount of each baby item without going over.

And then it was present time. Look at that serious mound of presents!

During present time it was Brooke's nap time and she snuggled right into me and fell asleep. Aubrey snuggled up to me the whole time too. It was so nice to get to snuggle my girls and enjoy seeing all the presents my sisters received.


  1. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

  2. Thanks for helping with the shower it was so much fun! And I am glad that you took a bunch of pictures!

  3. Looks so fun. I really wish I was there. Your cute gifts are adorable.

  4. I wish I could've come...I was out of town that weekend. But I'm seriously making them some cute stuff!
