Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sweetest Sisters

For the most part Aubrey & Brooke play really good together. Aubrey likes to make up games or plays for the two of them to do together. And Brooke is a very willing participant.
Here Aubrey set up these stools so the two of them could eat their snacks together.

The other day Aubrey was crying about something when she was getting ready for bed. Brooke was very concerned. She said, "Sis. sad, Sis. cry. I go give Sis. a big kiss." Then off she ran to Aubrey's room and gave her a kiss and a hug. It was so sweet. And it worked too - Aubrey was so touched with Brooke's concern that it cheered her right up.

Yesterday, Brooke got very upset when she found out that I was leaving for a Docs. appt. She started to cry and to cling to me. (She's been pretty clingy lately) So Aubrey in her sweet little Mommy voice said, "Oh Brookie, don't be sad. Mommy is very sick and needs to go to the doctor's so she doesn't share her germs. Don't worry you get to stay home with Daddy and your big Sis." When that didn't stop Brooke's crying, Aubrey continued, "I know, I'll go find you a picture of Snow White." She then found some princess stickers and a paper and sat in the hallway with her making a Princess picture. (see below) Brooke forgot all about the fact that Mommy was leaving. What sweet little girls I have. They really don't like to see the other one hurt or upset.

A couple of days ago Aubrey said, "Aunt Summer has 3 bathrooms in her house and we have 2 bathrooms in our house. 3 and 2 makes 5 bathrooms." I then said, "You're right Aubrey! You just did math. Let's try another one. There's 3 of us in this room and 1 Grandma in the other room. How many people are in this house?" Aubrey said, "Well let's see, I'll count. 1, 2, 3" Then before Aubrey could continue, Brooke called out, "4". We were both stunned. Then Aubrey in her cute little mommy voice went over to Brooke, started patting her back and said, "Oh Brooke I am so proud of you. You just did math." I love those sweet little moments. And who knew that my not quite 2 year old knew how to count to 4! I wonder what else is in that cute little brain of hers, that hasn't came out yet!


  1. Wow what cute little smartie pants they are! I am glad that my bathrooms were made into a math probrem, it seems very fitting since Math has always been my favorite subject.

  2. They are such cuties and smart. Katie still count can't to ten on demand. You can only catch her quietly doing it on her own.
