Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's Always Fun When Grandma Comes

My Mom came out last weekend for my Sisters' baby shower. The girls were super excited to see Grandma and had a real fun time with her.

The last couple times that my parents came, they arrived after Aubrey was asleep. So, she would see them the next morning in the bedroom across from her. So, first thing in the morning Aubrey came into my room and said, "I thought you said Grandma is coming today." To which I replied that she was. Then Aubrey said, "Well she's not in the room that she usually is in." I had to explain that she would be here later. Aubrey could hardly wait all day.

I told her that Grandma would be here after quiet time. So as soon as quiet time was over - Aubrey insisted on standing at the front room window and waiting for her!

So excited for Grandma to be here!

They had fun playing with Grandma outside.

Brooke wanted to swing and swing and swing, holding the little bear Aubrey got for her.

Playing blocks with Grandma.

 Grandma brought these little dolls for Aubrey to color and glitterize. She loved them.

Grandma brought Brookie a Snow White book. Brookie is obsessed with Snow White these days.

 Aubrey had to join in too for story time!

We went to Summer & Steve's house for Sunday dinner.
After dinner we decided to go outside. The girls went out with Steve. When I got outside I saw this cute little scene. Brookie holding Uncle Steve's hand and going for a little stroll.

They have a little hill in the backyard, and where there is a hill - you'll find Aubrey running down it.

Of course Brooke followed suit.

I thought this pic. turned out cool.

Shoulder rides with Uncle Elliot.

Brooke saw Grandma doing make-up and had to join in.

Grandma gave her some floss too, and they flossed their teeth together. Too cute!

It was a real fun visit! Thanks Mom for always finding time to spend with my girls - they love you to pieces!

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