Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random Stuff

We've had a lot of sick at our house this month. And it's not over yet. I had a sinus infection and  really bad congestion, the girls had coughs and runny noses that lasted for weeks. Jeff now has a sinus & ear infection and the girls noses just started running again. I can't wait for the weather to warm up and the sicknesses to go far far away!
Anyway here's some random pictures of our last couple of weeks.

Here's Brooke being so proud of her block tower that she built! 

Sometimes one stroller is just not enough. She would push one stroller a few steps and then go back for the other one and push it. She did that all over the house.

After lunch one day Aubrey decided to build a rocket ship around Brooke with all of the chairs and stools.

My cute little rocket scientist!

Jeff's been busily working on the garden. The girls have really enjoyed helping him. (Yes Brooke is in her jammies with the shoes over her footed pj's. And yes it is late in the afternoon in this picture. It was just one of those days!)

While I was getting ready one morning, Aubrey made a swimming pool out of a floaty and many sheets. Here she is diving in her pool.

Brookie just being cute!

The other day I was reading a story to Brooke. In it it asks the reader to count to 10. Usually I do the counting. This time I paused to see what Brooke would do. She counted from 1 to 6 all on her own. I supplied her with the 7 & 8 and then she added in the 9 & 10 on her own. What a little smartie pants!
When Brooke wants to do something she'll add, "really bad" to the end of her sentence. It's really cute. She'll say, "I want to play baby really bad."

She also likes to use the word "first". I'll say something like, "It's time to change your diaper." And she'll respond with, "I want to read a story first".

Aubrey really likes to change her clothes many many times. Especially during quiet time. I never know what she'll look like when quiet time is over. I thought she looked cute in the outfit she put together on Monday. (Mismatched clothes with shades, necklace, ring, bracelet, and church shoes.)

When I was taking a picture, Brookie joined in. (But, first she had to go and get a necklace on too!)
 I love what cute little friends they are.

 Then Brooke wanted one on her own. I love that smile!

Then we made cinnamon roll dough.

 We finished them up for FHE. We have a niece in the MTC, so we made a treat and cards for her.

The girls had a ball making a gift for cousin Kristen.

Daddy also told them a little about missions and what Kristen would be doing for the next year and a half. And that sometimes missionaries miss their family so that's why we were making a little package for her.
 The other day, the girls looked so cute all snuggled up and watching a show.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see your gardern and girls. I can totally relate to "those" weeks. It's been that way here too.
