Friday, April 1, 2011

This one's for you Grandma Buell

 I've been really busy with Primary, preschool & birthdays. But, since Grandma Buell is such a loyal follower - I had to post a little something for her!

On Sunday we finally got to break out some Spring clothes. I thought the girls looked darling!

This was one of my favorites of Aubrey's dresses - so I was really excited to put it on Brooke.

Michelle visited us one day and like usual the girls were thrilled to have her there. Here's Brooke doing her hair.

Aubrey had to join in the fun too.

Another of Aubrey's snazzy outfits. She asked for a picture this time.

The most adorable Sleeping Beauty!

The performing witch! (She was playing the part of Malificent)

Brooke now calls herself Brookie Monster. It's so darling! She's also a little singing machine!

Aubrey has been very interested in spelling and will ask how to spell words or string letters together and ask me what they spell. Mostly they spell nothing!

Ok back to my projects!

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