Sunday, March 6, 2011

So Proud

I have really enjoyed having Aubrey in Primary with me this year. It has been so much fun to watch her sing the songs and participate in the lessons. Today I was so proud of her. Many of the Sunbeams have gotten into the bad habit of dancing while they sing the songs. When we are doing active songs - it's not that big of a deal. But, the reverent songs are a different story. Anyway, today while they were singing the new song this month one of Aubrey's classmates tried to grab her hands and dance with her. Aubrey very discretely folded her arms, looked up at the teacher and continued singing. This continued throughout most of singing time. Every time she was approached, Aubrey continued to fold her arms and sing the song reverently. I was so proud of her. She didn't succumb to the dancing and she never got upset and pushed her away or anything. That is a hard thing for a 3 year old to do and I was happy to see her make the right choice. I am trying very hard to teach my girls not to be followers but to choose the right no matter what is going on around them. I know Aubrey will have many more and harder temptations, and that she won't always make the right choice. But, I felt like it was a step in the right direction and that my work with her was paying off. I am so glad that I could be there and see her choosing the right, so that I could praise her for the good choice that she made. She was smiling ear to ear as I relayed the story to her Daddy on the way home from church.

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