Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ward Talent Show

 Our ward had a talent show on Saturday night. Because they had so many Primary children sign up - they decided to have a special Primary talent show an hour earlier. I knew if Aubrey saw a bunch of other kids performing, and she didn't get to, she would be very disappointed. So I got a group of Sunbeams together to sing, "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam." Aubrey was very excited about this all week.

Here's the cute little Sunbeam crew.

Aubrey sang every word - and looked mighty cute doing it!

I'm posting the video even though you can't really hear her sing. The microphones were too high - so you couldn't hear anything. But, Aubrey looks so cute singing away! (Most of the kids must have had a little stage fright because they didn't sing at all. But, they sure did look cute anyway!)

After Aubrey sang, she asked me a few times if she was going to get to go up and sing again. She's used to the dress rehearsal's from her dance class. Both girls loved watching the show though. Aubrey's sunbeam teacher and Brooke's nursery teacher were both in the show. They both loved watching their teachers. When Brooke's teacher's act was over she kept saying, "I wanna see my teacher - black hat." (Her teacher was wearing a black cowboy hat.)

The finale for the night was from Jason. He balances all sorts of stuff on his chin.

Can you believe he has a table on his chin. Crazy huh.

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