Sunday, April 10, 2011

Brookie's Birthday Part 1

Brookie was the happiest little birthday girl all day yesterday. When she woke up I sang her "Happy Birthday" as I went in to get her. She thought that was so much fun. She knew it was her special day.
I like to decorate the night before parties both because it's exciting for them to wake up and see the surprise decorations and it's one less thing to do to get ready for the party.

Brooke LOVED the decorations. Look at that cute, excited face!

While I was making her birthday breakfast she started singing "Happy Birthday" to herself. Which is fun because apparently on my 2 year old birthday I ran around the house singing, "Happy Birthday to-da-lou" all day.

Then she decided it would be fun to dance to me singing her "Happy Birthday". As soon as the song was over she would say, "Sing Happy Birthday again Mom." (She calls me Mom now.)

Then Aubrey ran in from the back and wanted to sing to Brooke as well.

Brooke enjoying her birthday breakfast of chocolate milk, chocolate chip pancakes & fruit (to balance out all of the chocolate!)

Aubrey enjoyed the breakfast too!

While I cleaned up breakfast, I let them do some decorating too. They had a blast. Brooke was saying the whole time, "I decorate". I think she felt so big!

Brooke was struggling with the tape, so sweet Aubrey would take the streamer over to the counter, hold it up & have Brooke press the tape down. She's such a little mommy sometimes.

The girls excited to show off their awesome decorating skills!

Later in the afternoon I got Brooke dressed up to try and take some 2 year old pictures. She cooperated quite well for a 2 year old, however my camera did not. There were so many cute moments, but when I pressed the shutter button the camera wouldn't respond. So frustrating. I did get a few cute shots though.
The cutest little birthday girl around!

Don't you just wanna kiss that cute face!

 When Daddy got home the girls wanted to help him clean out the garage for games.

During nap time, I put up the "big Pooh" as Brooke now calls him. When Brooke woke up from her nap I took her out to see him. She LOVED him!

She gave him "big hugs".

She even started talking to him like he was real. She started bringing him her toys. As she would leave she would say, "I be right back Pooh." Then on her way back in she would yell, "I'm coming Pooh." It was sooooo cute!

Then she started noticing some other things that I put out. She absolutely loved the kids table set up with the Pooh table cloth. She was hugging and kissing the table.

I had shown her the Pooh Bear cake the day before, but she was thrilled to see it on the table!

She decided to make her own little dinner party. She put a little toy on each chair, brought the duck chair over and sat at the table with her "friends" as she called her toys.

Then she asked to watch a Pooh show while I finished setting up for the party.

We had a very fun morning and afternoon with the cutest two year old around! I seriously love two year olds. I think they are the cutest things on the planet!

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