Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Brookie Bug!

 My little Brookie is 2 today. I can't believe it. This year has just flown by! Brooke has turned into the cutest little toddler. She is pleasant and sweet most of the time. (Although she certainly has her stubborn moments as well!) She is a very talkative little one. She doesn't want to miss out on anything going on around her. She learns new things very easily and tries to keep up with whatever her sister is doing! She is very neat and clean. She often picks up her toys when she is done without being asked and tells me when she has dirty hands or face so that I'll clean her up. She is truly a joy in our home and I don't know what we would do without our Brookie bug!

The tiniest little newborn I had ever seen!


Brooke on her 1 year old birthday.

Loves to play with sissy!

Her beautiful baby blues.

Finally walking at 18 months!

She LOVES Snow White!

She loves kitty cats! (I read her a story about a kitten and she kept correcting me, "It's not a kitten it's a kitty cat!")

Loves Loves Loves her purple blanket. In fact she made up a song that she sings everyday about it: "I love my purple. Purple is my best friend."

Loves baby dolls!

Loves to be outside, whether it's cold . . .

. . . or warm.

Is the girliest little thing around!

Happy Birthday Brookie! We sure do love you!!!

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