Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Baskets and Egg Hunts

The Easter Bunny hopped into our house Friday night and left a surprise for my girls.

Aubrey came running into our room Saturday morning exclaiming, "Did the Easter Bunny come?!"

Hooray for the Easter Bunny!

Getting all glammed up!

Showing off her Strawberry Shortcake doll after she had applied her makeup and some stickers.

Helping sissy look oh so beautiful.

Aubrey gave me a manicure. Red and green with sparkles on top. So glamorous!

Then we headed off for the neighborhood egg hunt. We all hide eggs in our front yards and then meet at one house to start the hunt. (The girls loved hiding the eggs.)

My girls were a little too slow to find many eggs :(.

Then we had a potluck lunch.

We headed home hoping Daddy was home from work so we could have our own egg hunt. 
He wasn't there so I hid the eggs hoping he would be home soon. The rain clouds looked very threatening and it was just about nap time.

We waited and waited and finally had to start without him :(.


The girls had lots of fun!

This time the girls got lots of eggs! (It helps not having any competition!)

After Aubrey filled her basket, she helped Brookie find the rest of the eggs.

Then as soon as the girls were done - Daddy came home. Nice timing huh! He hid some more eggs so he could watch them hunt.

Enjoying their spoils!

What a fun Easter Saturday we had!

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