Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Sunday

We woke up Sunday morning and rushed to make it to church early. You see, ever since the Primary Sacrament presentation last year, Aubrey has been dying to get to sing in Sacrament Meeting. She had been so excited to finally get her chance. The Primary were singing the prelude number, so we had to be there early for Aubrey to be part of it. I had been worried all week about running late and missing her musical number. But, thankfully we made it!!

The children sang, "He Died That We Might Live Again." The song has lots of big words, so we had been practicing in the car for a couple weeks. Aubrey had it down almost perfectly. Since, I couldn't video tape in Sacrament meeting I took one at home today. (She got a little distracted when Brooke came in and so forgot part of the end.)

Since I was so determined to get Aubrey to her musical number, I didn't even stop and take a picture of their girls in their Easter dresses. 

I got one of Brooke after church. She looked so cute with her curly hair.

Aubrey, however, had run right in and changed her dress before I could take a picture. She said to me, "You can take a picture of me in this matching outfit." Funny kid.

We had some of the local family over for a traditional Easter potluck dinner (Ham, potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls & carrot cake.)
Then the girls wanted to play with the fam.

 Here's Brooke playing Mancala with Grandpa.

We got out the girls new Moon Dough and it was a big hit. I think every single adult there got in on the action at one point. (Katie if I get your name for Christmas, I know what your getting!)

Then it was off to bed for the girls. 

We had a very fun and spiritual Easter week. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend time focusing on our Savior's atonement, death and resurrection and getting to teach my children about it. I spent the whole week reading about the last night of Christ's life and on through his resurrection in all four gospels in preparation for my Sharing Time lesson. I was grateful for this opportunity because it helped me to have a much more meaningful Easter. Sharing time was wonderful on Sunday and I was so grateful for the strong spirit in the room that allowed all present to know of Christ's love for each of us. I shared with the children about the last supper, garden of Gethsemane, crucifixion and Christ's burial. Then I had special visitor's from the ward come in character as Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, Cleopas (one of the disciples on the road to Emaus), and Sariah (a Nephite woman). They shared in first person their witness of the resurrected Christ and bore testimony of him and his sacrifice. Each one did an amazing job and it was better than I could have hoped.

Between our talks at home, sharing time, FHE and the song we practiced, I know Aubrey learned a lot about the Savior the last few weeks. Tonight during scripture study we read the story of Sherem the anti-Christ. Jeff explained that he lied to the people and told them that their was no Christ. He explained that Christ really is real. Aubrey then said, "He was buried in a tomb with a big rock over it and when Mary came she saw the rock was gone and Jesus was gone because he was resurrected." Then Jeff asked her what else she knew about Jesus. She said, "I know that he died on Calvary's lonely hill." (That's a direct quote from the song she learned. Hurray for Primary songs!) She also said, "I know that he died and was resurrected and became alive again." I was so happy to hear that Aubrey had learned so much about her Savior Jesus Christ.

I hope all of my family and friends also had a wonderful and meaningful Easter!

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