Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Aubrey Kaye!

My Aubrey Kaye turned four today! This little thing is just full of life and enthusiasm. She is creative and funny and smart and dramatic and sweet and strong willed and delightful and a performer and challenging and artistic and loving and FUN FUN FUN! Our life would not be the same without our Aubrey!

Here is a look back at Aubrey's year 3!

3 year old party

Getting so brave in the pool

Loves to take care of babies - real and pretend ones

 LOVES putting on makeup

First day of dance class

First day of preschool

The prettiest little princess around!

Loves her sister to pieces

First dance performance

Was so excited to be a Witch for Halloween

Loved being twins with Mrs. Claus

Loves to put together crazy outfits and have me take pictures.

Loves her Daddy

And Mommy too!

Her Bestie Zoe

Can't wait for her party!

Absolutely LOVES to perform!

We just adore our adorable little Aubrey! Happy 4 year Birthday Aubrey Kaye!

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