Sunday, May 1, 2011

Party Prep.

 Aubrey was very involved in planning and preparing for her party. She decided back in December (I think) that she wanted a Strawberry Shortcake party. Then she helped decide all the activities we would do at her party. She loved seeing and helping with all of the things for her party.

When I made the charms for her party, she asked if she could paint them too. So, I made a set just for her to paint. She did a great job painting them!

 She loves to help me bake and was all about helping me with the cake. Especially when it came to licking the batter off the mixer.

Brooke was all about that too!

The next day she made Triple Berry Muffins that they would buy from Strawberry's Cafe. I only had to help her spoon the batter in the muffin cups - she did the rest all by herself. She has gotten really good at mixing. She knows to mix in the sides and bottom of the bowl.

Aubrey absolutely LOVES going to parties. So, it was perfect that she had 3 birthday parties to go to the weekend of her birthday!

Friday afternoon she went to a Ladybug party. During quiet time she dressed herself all up in Red, White & Black because she wanted to look like a ladybug for the party!

I had one excited little girl Saturday morning! The first thing she wanted to do was give us both manicures'. Red polish of course for her Strawberry Shortcake party.

Me and my sweet birthday girl!

Then she wanted to put up some more decorations for her party.

 Then she made chocolate chip pancakes for her birthday breakfast.

While I cooked the pancakes she gave Brooke her manicure.

Mmmm yummy breakfast! I told the girls we were having fruit that matched her party; Strawberries for Strawberry Shortcake, blueberries for Blueberry Muffin and oranges for Orange Blossom. They both got a kick out of that!

Then she got ready for party number 2 - a Princess Party!

While she was partying I did most of the rest of the set-up for her party! She was so excited when she came home and saw all of the shops set up for her party!

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