Sunday, May 1, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party

 Aubrey and I had a lot of fun planning her birthday party this year! She was one happy little girl during her party.

I made her Halloween costume early and thought it would make a cute invitation to her party.

 I tried out a new cake decorating technique - Frozen Butter cream Transfer. Basically you pipe out your design on wax paper, freeze it and then transfer it onto your frosted cake.

 Aubrey requested a Strawberry Shortcake stand-up. And since I have so much fun making them I couldn't refuse!

She also requested a pinata and once again, I think they are really fun to make so her request was granted.

Aubrey loves to make bracelets so we decided to make some at her party. I looked everywhere for inexpensive fruit charms or beads and couldn't find any. So, I made my own from polymer clay. I loved the entire process!

Aubrey has this book and when we were planning the party she told me that she wanted to make hair clips just like Strawberry has for each of her friends. Looked easy enough, so I agreed.

Once again, I couldn't find a strawberry button or finding to put in the middle. So, I made them too from polymer clay.

I also made a Plum Pudding wand for the girls to dance with.

I have a ton of left over yarn, so I made them each wristbands. It's the first thing I have made without a pattern!

It's hard to find Strawberry Shortcake paraphernalia, so I made my own stuff or just re-tagged things I bought with characters from SS. I wanted something to represent each friend. We had muffins from Strawberry's cafe, wristbands from Plum's dance studio, notebooks from Blueberry's bookstore, rings from Raspberry's boutique, nail stickers & lipstick from Lemon's salon and charge cards and a shopping bag from Orange Mart.

I got Aubrey all dressed up before the party began to take a few pictures.
Here she is with her doll and her cake.

I wanted to re-create a picture of me with my SS doll and cake. Like mother like daughter!

Here she is with her life-size Strawberry.

Then the guests began to arrive. They were told that they were coming on a trip to Berry Bitty City to visit the shops of Strawberry and her friends.

I took a picture of each girl with the big Strawberry to use on their Thank you cards.

Then while they waited for the rest of the guests to arrive, Grandma led them in a game of Strawberry Says. (Simon says)

Aubrey wanted a chance to lead the game.

When I told them they were going to start their trip through Berry Bitty City, Aubrey excitedly said, "I know where we are going first." So I had her lead them to Blueberry Muffin's Bookstore.

Here Grandpa read them one of Aubrey's SS books.

Then Aubrey lead them out to the garage to Plum Puddings Dance Studio.

The were given their wands and we played freeze dance. (While the music is playing you dance and then when it's paused you freeze.)

Next they went to Lemon's Meringue's Beauty Salon. This was the biggest hit!

First they got their Hair clips

Then they put on make-up, earrings and nail stickers.

Aubrey going for a very subtle look (ha ha).

The girls would ask us where each kind of make-up was supposed to go. They were so cute!

Don't they look so beautiful!!

Then they got to go Shopping at Orange Blossoms store - Orange Mart.

They were given their bag and charge card and got to take one of each of the items I put together.

Then they headed over to the check out line where they swiped their card and was given some chocolate coins as change.

Showing off her wristbands she purchased at Orange Mart.

 Then it was Pinata time.

After each girl got 2 turns with the plastic bat, Jeff got out the mallet so Aubrey could get the job done!

Hurray it finally breaks!

Then we headed over to Raspberry Torte's Boutique where they made their charm bracelets. (Well the adults actually had to help quite a bit and not all of them got made. But they had fun watching and telling us what beads and charms they wanted next!)

Aubrey had fun sitting at a little table with Zoe. Her's didn't quite get finished, so we'll have to do it another day.

Showing off her charm bracelet!

Brookie loving hers!

I think they turned out really cute!

Then it was time to visit Strawberry's Cafe to have the birthday cake.

 Blowing out the candle.

Cutting the cake.

The girls had strawberry cake, strawberry ice-cream, strawberry milk and a strawberry.

Present time! Aubrey got a lot of really great gifts that she is very excited about!

She was thrilled that Rachel made her a SS shirt that matched with Brooke and Zoe's.

Aubrey had a blast at her party and I think all of her friends did too. It's so fun to see my little Aubrey excited on her birthday! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa, Summer, Jeff & Rachel for all your help!

Aubrey requested Mac n' Cheese and hot dogs for dinner. An easy dinner thank goodness!

Then she got to stay up late and put together her Chixo's doll house and dolls with Mommy.

Daddy joined in the fun too.

It comes with Pixo's also to make decorations for the house. Here's Aubrey making a comforter for her bed.

Aubrey woke up this morning still very excited from her party!


  1. Thanks for inviting Sarah, she loved it! As we looked at the pictures she kept saying again nd love it! Aubrey was so cute opening the presents!

  2. keagan just sat with me and told me about all the pictures in this post. so cute. such a cute party, I am glad everything went well. :)

  3. You are so creative Heather!! And very talented, i'm so impressed!

  4. Have I mentioned yet how you are my Birthday Party hero? I worship your parties. Ava's next one...hopefully Rainbow Brite...will rock with your example to follow!

  5. I would like to know how you did the live like strawberry shortcake Please. I want to make it for my baby 1st birthday.


  6. Jennifer, I drew the Strawberry Shortcake on butcher paper (you could tape the paper on the wall and use a projector to blow up an image and trace it if drawing is not your thing.) Then I used spray adhesive to attach it to foam core. I had to tape two pieces of foam core together to make it large enough. I cut it out with an exacto knife and then painted it with acrylic paint. I cut out a rectangle piece from the left over foam core and a little notch at Strawberry's feet to make her stand up. Good luck! My girls love the life size characters that I make for their parties!

  7. awesome party and she looks so cute and happy! your a great mom....You gave me the best idea too,thank you!
