Friday, May 27, 2011

My Little Ladies

I thought I'd post some updates on what the girls have been doing lately.

Brooke has been sick all week. She has a terrible cough (bronchialitis), a double ear infection and is cutting in 2 molars. The poor thing has been miserable. (And a miserable 2 year old makes for a miserable mommy too!)

Brooke loves to make up and sing songs just like her sis.

Brooke still talks about Disneyland. Whenever she sees a picture of one of the princesses she saw at Disneyland - she points it out. One day she was looking through a Cinderella book and she kept saying over and over again, "I meet Cinderella - I talk her." It was so cute to see how excited she was about it!

Whenever I finish getting Brooke ready (or after she puts make-up on herself) she says, "I all ready go. I all pretty now."

Two of her favorite phrases right now are, "I do all by myself." and "No, not yet" The later she says whenever she is being asked to do something she doesn't want to do.

When she has finished eating something she'll say something like this, "Where's my blueberries?" pause "They're in my tummy!"

During stake conference the choir sang, "I am a Child of God." Brooke got very excited and said, "I sing that song in my room." It's one of her favorite bedtime songs. She likes to point out songs she knows and tells us where she sings them (like in my nursery or in the car.)

Another of her favorite phrases is, "for me?!" She says it with the cutest inflection whenever I get something for her or tell her we are going to do something she likes.

Last week Brooke learned how to put her shoes on all by herself. She was quite proud of herself, so I had to take her picture! Here she is telling me about her triumph!


Aubrey still has been thinking a lot about Jesus and the things we talked about at Easter. One day she asked me, "When we are in heaven will we be alive?" I explained that when we die our spirits will leave our body and then we will be resurrected just as Jesus was. She then asked, "Will we die on the cross like Jesus?" I explained that we will not. Then she told me about Jesus being on the cross and that he was thirsty but the people wouldn't give him water. I told her that she could taste some vinegar to see what Jesus drank and she asked, "Will the vinegar make me die too?" We had to then talk about that it wasn't the vinegar that made Jesus die, but that it just doesn't taste very good to drink.

Another day Aubrey was watching "The Ten Commandments" with Jeff. She saw the scene with the burning bush and asked, "Is that what Jesus looks like?" Jeff explained that it wasn't, but that was the power of God. Aubrey then said, "When I dream about Jesus he is wearing white." Then Jeff asked what Jesus is doing in her dreams. She said, "He is at our house." What is he doing Jeff asked? She replied, "He's helping out, like doing the laundry." What a funny girl!

As we were driving one day Aubrey said, "Dad told me that one day we will stand before Jesus." I agreed that we would. She then asked, "Well after we stand before him, will we get to sit down and eat some food?" Not sure where that came from! I guess she didn't want to stand for eternity!

Last Sunday Aubrey and I were alone during Sacrament meeting. (Jeff was home with sick Brookie) We had been practicing her scripture on the way to church. During sacrament meeting one of the speakers quoted a scripture that shared some words with her memorized one. She said to me very excitedly, "Mom, she just said a scripture that has the same words as my scripture! It's not the same scripture though, just some of the words are the same." Then she continued doing that for nearly every scripture quoted. I was very glad that I took the time to help her memorize the scripture because it helped her recognize the language in the scriptures and helped her to be interested in the Sacrament meeting talks.

She was still excited about her scripture after we got home from church, so I took advantage of the moment and took some pictures. I thought they turned out cute!

  Brooke saw what was happening and so had to climb up and be in the pictures too!

She only made a short appearance at church to watch Aubrey give her scripture. Aubrey very much wanted Daddy to be there and during the week Brooke asked, "I go see Aubrey's scripture too?" She has parts of the scripture memorized as well. When Aubrey would practice, sometimes she would pause to think. During the pause Brooke would call out the next words and was almost always right on!

 One day this week I heard down the hall the girls chatting. I went to see what was happening and found Aubrey reading the Friend magazine to Brooke. It was so sweet.(You can see how droopy Brooke's looked this week.)

On Tuesday Aubrey had opposite day at preschool. She was told to wear something opposite for show and tell. That morning I told her the assignment and gave her some examples. Of course she wanted to wear as many opposites as possible and even thought up some of her own. She wanted one pony tail up and one down. She wanted to wear black and white. She wanted one long sleeve and one short sleeve. She wanted one tall boot and one short sandal. You can't see them but she insisted on one tall sock and one short sock as well. We also did one long pant leg and one short. She has one white bow and one black bow and she has on a white bracelet and a black bracelet. She sure had fun dressing all opposite! (And as luck would have it we had appointments from the time I picked her up until nap time that day. So she went all around town looking this way!)

Aubrey has been working on going up this curvy ladder at the park for over a year now. She is very cautious and timid about physical feats, so she has never been brave enough to go up more than a couple rungs. Well last Saturday, we went to a different playground that had a much smaller version. She was able to do it and was so excited! As we were going home she asked, "Mom after Brooke's nap can we go to the park we usually go to so I can try the big one." Of course, I was thrilled to see her wanting to be brave, so I agreed to head to the park again after naps.
She did it on the first try and was so excited!

Here is the scariest part for her - the big step at the end.

 Once she conquered that she had to try another feat that she hadn't been able to do. She was able to climb up this twisty ladder too on the first try. Way to go Aubrey!

Brooke, of course, has to do EVERYTHING her sister does! So, only a few days after Aubrey conquered the ladder, Brooke did as well!

It makes me nervous and I stand right by her with my hands next to her, but she does it all on her own! You can see part of Aubrey's face at the bottom of the picture. I wish I would have captured the moment for her. When she saw Brooke climbing it for the first time she was excitedly cheering for her the whole time. When she finished, Aubrey was jumping up and down saying, "You did it Brookie!" It was so sweet to see her so excited for her sisters triumph also!

I had to get pictures of them on the slides since they both are obsessed with slides! They can go down a slide over and over again, never tiring of it.

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