Sunday, May 29, 2011

Aubrey's Spring Dance Recital

Aubrey had her Spring Recital on Friday. She was so excited and did such a good job. I LOVE watching my cute little Aubrey dance!

First was the rehersal on the big stage. Aubrey loves getting on the stage - so the rehersal is even fun for her!

All dressed up and ready for her show!

Daddy met us there and brought her some flowers.

Her first dance was her jazz number - Shake Rattle and Roll. She has this dance down and loves doing this dance!

Getting some good air!

Next was her ballet piece - Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

They look so Teeny Tiny on the great big stage!

Taking her bow in the finale. Unfortunately some kids in her class were standing in front of her. But, you can kind of see her.

It was such a fun evening. Brooke loved the show too. She sat on my lap glued to the show the whole time. As did Aubrey when she wasn't dancing. I'm so glad my Aubrey loves her dance class, cause I sure do love watching her. I have a feeling that Brooke will love it just as much!

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