Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Summer Has Begun

 We had such a fun day today doing some of our favorite Summer activities!

First we went to craft time at the library.

 Then we had a picnic lunch at the outdoor story time. Aubrey has been asking about this activity all Winter - and was soooo excited when I told her we were going today.

Taking a closer look at the puppet.

Then after naps we went to our favorite Water park! Once again both girls were so excited to go swimming! Yes, it was a bit cold - but we sure did have a fun time anyway!

It's so fun to be back on our Summer schedule! I'm hoping our weather will improve soon - but even if it doesn't, we'll pretend it has and do it all anyway!

We also had a very nice memorial day on Monday. In the morning we went to a local garden that was selling Tulip bulbs for $3 a dozen. We got 3 dozen and I can't wait for them to bloom next Spring! Then we went to a family fun center and rode lots of rides. After naps we headed over to a playground (which Aubrey is obsessed with these days. I think it's because of all of her new found skills at the park.) Then we went home and had a little BBQ. It was so nice to spend the day together as a family!

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