Thursday, June 2, 2011

Preschool Graduation Party

We had a little end of the year Graduation Party for our Preschool on Wednesday.

Aubrey was very excited because she had been to her cousin Michelle's graduation and thought it was fun that she got to graduate too. (Even though she is technically not graduating from preschool. Just graduating from her first year of preschool!)

First we watched a slide show of pics and movies from their year.

Then we got them in their caps and leis. (Aubrey had strung the fruit loops on all four caps and made two of the leis all by herself. It was great because it kept her occupied for 3 days worth of quiet time!)

Then they each were called up and awarded their certificate and had a moment to show/tell us some of their favorite things they learned this year in preschool.


Then they played some games. First follow the leader.

Next, Simon Says.

Then we came in for a craft. They each wrote their name and made their hand print 4 times. They gave each other one of their hand prints and we made them into little memory books.

Aubrey & Brooke had never finger painted before - and, of course, they LOVED it!

 Brooke showing me her messy hand. Look at her cute mustache too!

Aubrey wanted to show me her hand too, even though she had just cleaned it with a wet wipe!

 Then they had a delicious snack of a huge variety of fruit. They downed all of that fruit in just minutes!

It was such a fun year doing Preschool with my Aubrey. She enjoyed it so much and so did I! I'm so glad to get to do it again next year! (And hopefully the year after that with Brookie Bug!)

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