Saturday, June 4, 2011


 A few posts back I mentioned how Aubrey has been very intrigued by the story of Christ's crucifixion and how the guards gave him vinegar to drink instead of water. We kept talking about how she could try some vinegar, but we were always away from home and never remembered when we got home. Sunday, during dinner, I finally remembered to get out the vinegar for them to taste. Aubrey was extremely apprehensive, but Brooke sure wasn't. She dipped right in to give it a taste.

 Since, Brooke tasted it, Aubrey finally succumbed. She didn't like it.

Brooke however, LOVED it! She wanted more. So I gave her the cap full. She kept dipping and licking her fingers over and over again.

Then she decided that was taking too long, so went in to slurp it up. (Don't you love how Aubrey is just getting a kick out of it!)

She finally just picked it up and drank it!!

That Brookie sure does like strong flavors (kinda like her mommy). Thanks Brooke for the good dinner entertainment!

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