Monday, June 6, 2011


 My Bishop issued a challenge back in February to read 100 chapters in the scriptures and walk (or other exercise) 100 miles by today. I've been working on it the whole time but was a little behind where I should have been. I worked really hard the last few weeks to complete the challenge. The girls worked right along with me and that resulted in a lot of sun and a lot of walking for all of us. I must have worn them right out because this is how I found Aubrey during quiet time a couple days ago. (I think she napped 3 days in a row - napping is something she rarely does now.)
 I'm happy to say that I completed the challenge yesterday!

I thought Brooke looked absolutely adorable yesterday - so I had to take some pictures!

The combination of her starting to tan skin, bright colored dress and her blonde hair made her look soooo cute - well at least in my eyes!

It was fast and testimony meeting today. After Brooke had heard several testimonies, she turned to me and said, "They're talking about Jesus." It was so sweet. I'm glad to know she's listening, at least a little bit!

Of course, Aubrey had to come and join in the pictures. She's always willing to give her sister a great big hug!

We've been having fun swimming this last week (well at least when we could find a warm enough couple of hours to go!) Brooke is just a little fish. I have her in the swim vest and arm bands that Aubrey used last year. As soon as we hit deep water she immediately floats onto her tummy, with her legs straight out in perfect form. She doesn't even like me to hold her hands, unless someone comes too close to her. She's also so pleased that she's been able to go on the water slides all by herself. Aubrey also has been having a ball. She's been working hard at kicking her legs and using her arms to swim around the pool. She has a life jacket on to keep her up though. Hopefully we can get her into swim classes and she can get experience without the vest. With two little ones to watch after, I don't feel safe taking either of them out of their vests. Hopefully the weather will become more predictable and we can have lots more fun at the pool!

We also signed up for the Summer Reading Program at the library. We signed up on Tuesday and are already more than half way done! Clearly we did not set a very ambitious goal for ourselves. But, in my defense I took the suggestion of the librarian for their age. I had never timed our reading and didn't have a clue how much time we spent reading a day. I've discovered that we spend between 30 & 40 minutes a day.

I'm so happy it's Summer! I'm looking forward to all the fun times hanging out with my girls!!

1 comment:

  1. Now that is some challenge! I love all of the cute pictures. Wish we could "summer" with you. It would be such fun!
