Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aubrey Artwork

I find child development so fascinating. It has been so amazing to watch my little girls develop through all of the stages that I had studied at BYU. One of the areas I have really enjoyed watching is Aubrey developing her artistic talents. She's gone from scribbling, to coloring actual parts of the picture, to attempting to color in the lines. On Sunday, I observed her being thoughtful of the colors she used. Generally the colors have been kind of random, but on Sunday she thoughtfully colored a picture of Sleeping Beauty. (she even colored her skin with flesh tone)

A little before Aubrey turned 3 she started drawing people. For over a year now they have been the classic potato type figures (No distinction between head and body). She has continued to add more detail to her pictures, but the shape has remained the same. Monday night I watched as she drew a more advanced figure. (See below)

I had her tell me about the shapes. Obviously the top circle is the head with a little tuft of hair. The next circle is their necks, the line is shoulders (she told me she had forgot to draw arms), their torso is the next circle. The lines are the legs and the circles at the bottom are their toes (love the toes!). She also drew a house with a chimney. It's amazing to see the progression happen seemingly overnight. I am sure she has been processing it internally for a while but from the outside it's amazing to see the leap.

After I scanned in her picture, she asked me to take a video of her talking about her picture.

I'm so excited to continue to watch my little ones make advances and develop in all areas of their lives. It's one of the most interesting aspects of being a parent. And I just love both observing and being a part of the process!

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