Thursday, May 5, 2011

So in LOVE with Baby Isla

One day last week I told Aubrey that Grandpa was on his way over. She responded, "Can baby Isla come over too?" I explained that she was too little to visit quite yet. Aubrey said, "But we have baby books here. Does Aunt Esther read Isla stories?" I told her that I was sure Esther would be reading her lots of stories. To which Aubrey responded, "I know how to read some stories, can I read to baby Isla?"
So, when I told her the next day that we were going to see baby Isla, the first thing she did was pack a bag full of stories that she knows how to read.

 When we got there, the first item of business for Aubrey was to read her cousin a story!

 Then of course, Brooke had to read her one too.

These two girls just adored holding, touching, kissing, hugging and looking at their new cousin.

 Brooke was so excited to get her turn holding Isla.

She's always LOVED baby dolls and she couldn't get enough of a real live one the same size as her dolls!

Sweet hugs!

Kisses too.

Oh yeah, Esther was there too! But, as soon as she tried to take away Isla to feed her, she was mobbed by the Buell crew!

Brooke and I got colds a few days later, so we haven't been able to see her since. As soon as we're healed I know the girls will be thrilled to see Isla again!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Beautiful pictures!! You must all be so happy!!
