Friday, May 6, 2011


 On Aubrey's birthday I asked her how she felt and she replied, "Bigger." She must have been right because I have noticed a maturity growth spurt this week.

I was doing laundry and she saw a basket of kitchen towels. She said, "Do these need to be folded?" And then proceeded to fold them, almost perfectly, and put them away without being asked. What a nice treat for Mommy! Yesterday, she put all of her laundry away on her own, then without being asked cleaned her room and then went on to Brooke's and cleaned hers too! So far I am really liking 4!

 One evening last week Brooke was playing out back while I was doing the dishes. She ran in saying, "A birdie in backyard." I told her birdie's were nice and that she could go back out and play. She started to go out and then stepped back in and said, "Birdie coming to get me." That peaked my curiosity because birds don't usually get very close. I looked outside and found that it was 2 ducks visiting our yard. The girls got a kick out of that. They had fun feeding them bread . . .

. . . and chasing them around the yard. They were not happy when their new friends finally flew away.

"Mommy take a picture of me sitting on all of these pillows, holding a balloon." Funny kid.

Showing off her completed fruit charm bracelet that we made together a couple days after her party.

Aubrey drew a picture that I thought had a lot of detail. The red in the middle is a pirate on his pirate ship. He's even wearing a hat. Then she has blue sky on top and blue water and a yellow sidewalk below. After I shot the picture she added a sun to the top and some pizza next to the pirate. I love to see her being creative!

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