Saturday, May 7, 2011

Preschool - Writing & Spelling their names & Fire station Trip

 I noticed last week in preschool that most of the kids were trying to write their names or at least part of them by themselves. So, I thought we'd spend some time working on it at preschool this week.

I got some small wood cubes and some small vinyl alphabet stickers. I put the letter stickers on the blocks to spell out each of their names.

During preschool I had them paint the blocks over the stickers. I instructed the Moms to remove the stickers after the paint dried.

Here's Aubrey's completed name blocks. I thought the kids could use them to practice spelling their names.

 Then they worked on tracing and writing their names.

Aubrey wrote out her whole name in order for the first time!

 I had also prepared previously some cards with the letters of their names on each one. I glittered each letter so that they were textured. I had the kids shuffle their name cards and then put them in the right order. Then I had them trace with their finger the letters on the cards. (Feeling the texture is supposed to help them to write the letters correctly. I had something similar when I was a kid because I wrote some of my letters and numbers backwards.) Then we shuffled all of their name cards together and put them upside down on the table. They took a turns turning one letter over and deciding whose name the letter belonged to.

After our short lesson, we took a trip to the Fire Station.
They got to see the bedroom area, kitchen, offices & of course the big trucks!

Here the firefighter is telling them all about the fire truck and how it works.

Then one firefighter suited up in his gear to show them. He explained to them that if they are in a building on fire to not be afraid of the firefighters dressed like this but to call out to them for help.

Showing them the mask.

They each got to check out the ambulance.

And pretend to drive the fire truck.

Then they got hats, coloring books & rulers.

They even showed them the lights and the horns.

It was a real fun trip to the Fire station!

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