Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tanner #2

 Our nephew Mark entered the MTC on Wednesday to begin his mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the second Tanner in less then a month to leave on a mission!

 The girls had a blast playing with their cousins.

Hugs for Stephanie.

Mark - the newly set apart Missionary!

 Fun jumping games with Scott.

Loves for Michelle.

Hangin' with Amy

 I met the Tanner's the day before Jeff & I got married. Tammy (the Mom) is Jeff's sister. At the time Amy & Stephanie were Aubrey & Brooke's age. Now they're all grown up. Time sure does fly! It's fun to see how life changes. It seems like yesterday we would go and visit them and Laura, Scott, Amy & Stephanie would pounce on Jeff & I and want to play with us. Now my children do the same with them. Kind of fun to see!

One last hug for Mark before he leaves for the MTC!

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