Sunday, June 12, 2011

Backyard Fun

 We've had some decent Summer weather the last few days, so the girls have had fun playing in the backyard.

After figuring out that it was our BBQ that was popping all of our inflatable pools, I decided this year to go for this snap-n-set kind. So far I like it. It was cheap too - $10 for this nice size pool.
To Aubrey, most of the fun is filling up the pool - she has always liked playing with the hose.

Brookie just thought it was way fun to have a pool at our house.

Toys R Us had slip n slides on sale for $5, so I decided to get one.

It was funny trying to teach Aubrey how to do it. But, she worked and worked at it, until she got her self sliding.

Brooke would run up and plop down on the raft, then I would give her a big push.

Having fun with the sprinklers.

 One day I caught the two of them on the swing like this. Too cute!

On Saturday I remembered how much they liked using the little slide as a waterslide. It was once again a big hit.

Brooke especially loved it and did it over and over again. 

Since hands don't make nearly enough of a splash, the girls had to use bats.

I love their faces when splashing into the water!

We had to get out the caterpillar sprinkler too on Saturday.

Brooke is so brave when it comes to the water.

Going in closer.

And she got the arms.

It's so much fun playing outside in the Summer. I'm hoping we have lots more upper 70's weather!

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