Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 1

Last Monday I started a 90- day Fitness Program. I lost 4 lbs in the first week. I had hoped for a little bit more, but with this program you work on muscle strength, which will then lead to burning more calories during the day. I definitely worked my muscles this week - I sure did feel the pain! I think all of my muscles hurt at one time or another this week! I did notice, however, that my back did not hurt, so that is one step in the right direction! Also, I feel really good about the fact that I did not cheat at all this week on the diet. That means I had absolutely no sugar this week - that's a first for me! (I never thought I could go that long without it! Especially chocolate!)

I learned a few things this week I thought I'd share:

* I learned that I need someone to tell me what to eat and what not to eat. I am a major rule follower and just having a pamphlet telling me what I can eat really helps me with food choices. It has not been hard at all for me to stay away from junk food because the pamphlet tells me I can't eat it. And since that's the rule - I MUST follow it!(Hopefully that will continue throughout the program!)

* I learned that I like fresh asparagus - especially grilled. Mmm Mmm  good. (I had only had the frozen variety before, and although I ate it, I didn't love it.)

* I learned that apple slices dipped in freshly ground peanut butter is delicious! I had it the first day (and almost every day since) and that is what I have been craving ever since. (Dare I say that it is almost as good as chocolate and peanut butter!)

* I learned that eating healthy doesn't actually take longer to prepare then unhealthy. (Unless you are eating frozen, microwaveable meals or eating out at fast food- which would obviously be quicker.) With this diet the dishes are really simple. Most of the time you only add sea salt and black pepper to meat, veggies and whole wheat foods. So, it really doesn't take long at all to prepare. And the food actually tastes good that way. No need for tons of ingredients, complicated recipes and fatty sauces.

* I learned that eating healthy Does Not mean that I am hungry all day long and dreaming about yummy things I want to eat. I only feel hungry right before it's time for one of my meals. Otherwise I am quite satisfied.

I'm hoping that this next week goes just as well as last week!