Friday, June 17, 2011

More Fun with Baby Isla

 We went to hang out with Esther & Isla this week. My girls completely mauled Isla and she did so good. Look she even looks happy about it in this picture! (I Love this first picture!)

 My girls seriously can't get enough of her.

Brookie just wants to touch and hug and kiss her the whole time. 

Kisses from Aubrey.

 Aubrey showing Isla herself in the mirror.

Brooke showing Isla her monkey and telling her what a monkey says.

I wanted to get a picture of the three of them, but I could not get them to look at the camera. They only had eyes for Isla!

 Giving goodbye hugs.

Brooke needed to give her one more hug and pat. She is seriously drawn to her like a magnet. It is soooo sweet!

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