Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I wanted to wish a Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful Father's in my life!

First to Jeff - the father of my children. Jeff you are a fabulous Dad! The girls just adore playing with their Daddy. They miss you when you are away and they want to be with you when you are here. You're a good example of a righteous Priesthood holder. They will know what to look for in a husband because of your good example. We all LOVE you and the hard work you do for our family!

Next to my Daddy. I am grateful for the example of kindness and righteousness you have always been. You have always been kind and spoken kindly of others. This is something that I wish to emulate. You have always done your Priesthood and church duties to the best of your ability. Because of your example, I knew what kind of man I wanted to marry! You are also a fantastic Grandpa. The girls still talk about getting to go to the park with you everyday when you were here last. Thanks for always playing with them when you come to visit. We all Love you!

Lastly to my Father-in-Law. Thanks for teaching Jeff to be a good man and a hard worker. He always tells stories of the things that you taught him (including little songs that he likes to sing with the girls.) Your example has contributed to the kind, responsible & righteous man that Jeff has become. Thanks also for playing little games with the girls when we come for a visit. We all Love you very much!

Happy Father's Day to all of the awesome father's!

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