Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 2

So, I completed week 2 of my fitness program. Once again I didn't cheat at all on the food or exercise. I lost 2 lbs this week - so that's a total of 6 lbs since starting the diet. (Not as much as I had hoped for, but at least I'm still going in the right direction.)

Some things I discovered:

* I definitely have more energy. For the first time in my life I haven't dreaded waking up in the morning. (well most mornings!) Most days I woke up before the kids and could read my scriptures and pray before I had two girls bombard me in bed.

* The exercises actually seemed harder this week - but I think it's because I pushed myself more than I did the first week.

* I am sleeping better at night. I haven't had as much trouble falling asleep. Usually it takes me between 30 - 60 minutes to fall asleep at night. (Or several hours on other nights) This week I have been falling asleep fairly easily - which is fantastic!

* I tried Kale (a vegetable) and found it to be pretty good.

* I tried Parsnips and I liked them - however the center has a hard part that I didn't like. Am I supposed to cut out the center before I eat it?

I'm hoping I can keep on track this week. I am feeling kind of discouraged this morning. Nothing major, just a few little things. I have some upcoming events that will make it hard to follow the program, I didn't loose as much as I thought I should, Brooke woke up crying at 6:30 a.m. and it looks like she may be coming down with a cold, & her early wake up also woke up Aubrey and it threw off my normal routine of getting my scriptures and prayers in before they jumped into my bed (however they did play quietly a bit ago and I got to read in a relatively quiet environment.)

Anyway, hopefully as I get going today I can shrug off the discouragement and get back on track.

Week 1

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Heather, you may not be able to do all that you have been doing the past 2 weeks but do as much as possible today and then it won't be like starting over tomorrow! Congratulations on all that you have done;0)
