Monday, June 20, 2011

Survival Swim Lessons

 Aubrey & Brooke started Survival Swim lessons today.

They are different then the traditional lessons. They teach the children how to survive if they have fallen into the water. I had heard, years before the girls were born, that the best way to protect your child from drowning is to teach them how to swim. This is the aim of this program. They even start with babies as young as 6 months old and can teach them what to do in the water to protect themselves from drowning.

Since we spend the bulk of our Summer in the pool, I felt like the girls needed to have the protection taught in this class.

I had Aubrey go first because Brooke wants to do EVERYthing that her sister does. 

Aubrey did fantastic. She wasn't afraid at all and did everything her teacher asked of her! Here she is learning how to float on her back. (She also did this farther out in the water with her teacher just holding her head - but my battery was dying so I didn't get a picture.)

 Here she is diving for rings.

I was worried that Brooke would not be happy to go to a stranger. But, my plan of having Aubrey go first worked perfectly. While we watched Aubrey, Brooke cheered along with me and was really excited for her turn. She asked several times, "When is it my turn?"
When it was her turn she got right in the water and straight to her teacher with no problem!

She did great at the first. Here she is getting rings.

She also did awesome with floating on her back!

But,after her teacher put her all the way under the water she was not happy! I expected some tears from her and she actually did much better than I thought. So I counted their first lesson as a huge success! I'm hoping Brooke won't be too resistant for their lesson tomorrow. I know Aubrey is excited to learn some new tricks!

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