Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day

 A few days before Father's Day I had the girls make a little something for their Dad. They both love making presents for their Daddy. There's just something about creating something for somebody you love!

Aubrey made a soda can cozy for Dad. (Gotta love her outfit!)

Brookie decorated a peanut jar for Daddy (except we filled it with cashews instead because that's Daddy's favorite nut.)

She had picked out the monster stickers at the store for her project.

That night when Jeff came home Brooke was so excited to give him her present. She said to me, "I want to tell Daddy Happy Father's Day." I told her she could. Then she said, "Where's my peanut jar?" I had to explain that it was still a few more days until Father's day when she would give him her present. I love to see them so excited to give things to other people!

 For Father's Day breakfast I tried to make a healthy alternative to our normal celebration breakfast. I made Oatmeal Egg white pancakes (the recipe was included with my fitness program.) and turkey bacon.

Me and the girls thought the pancakes were really yummy. Jeff didn't love them though.

On a side note, I had Brooke sleep in sponge curlers for the first time and her hair turned out adorable!

Then we rushed off to church so Aubrey could be there in time to participate in the Father's Day musical number. It was a 3 verse song that Aubrey worked very hard at learning. She had the 1st and 3rd verse down perfectly and just needed a little help with the 2nd verse.

As soon as we got home from church the girls were super excited to give their Daddy his presents. Of course, they had to do the opening for him!

Brooke showing Daddy the picture she drew for him.

Happy to finally give him his peanut jar.

Father's day kisses too!

Aubrey's turn to open her present for Daddy!

Reading Daddy the letter she wrote him.

More kisses.

 I also took the girls to a couple stores to pick out some presents for him. At the first store Aubrey searched high and low for a certain kind of chip. I didn't know what kind she was looking for, all she could describe them as were, "I want to get Daddy's favorite chips. The ones I shared with him on his bed." I'm pretty sure she's shared several different kinds of chips with him. Since she couldn't find them at that store I took her to another one. I was looking for something else when I heard Aubrey excitedly saying, "I found them, I found them. Here's Daddy's favorite chips that I've been looking for!"

Here's Daddy getting his favorite cheese chips (according to Aubrey) and of course the girls were plenty willing to share some with him!

Daddy with his darlings.

After lunch we all had a nap - pure heaven!
For dinner I made wheat bread and a root vegetable stew that came with my meal plan. It was pretty good - but I like my usual stew better. And Jeff used his cozy from Aubrey with his dinner.

It was a very nice and relaxing Father's day.

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