Friday, June 24, 2011

Tumbling Tots

 This week Brooke started her Tumbling Tots class. I figured after sitting so good and watching Aubrey in her dance class all last year, she deserved a class of her own. Plus, I hadn't been able to do a Mommy and Me type class with Brooke yet and since Aubrey is big enough to sit and watch now I wanted to take the opportunity to do something fun with her.

She had such a fun time and was so cute trying out all of the equipment.

 We had free time at the beginning and the teacher said Aubrey could play too. She was thrilled!

What a cute little monkey!

Trying out some tricks on the bar.

 She did it! (Next she was going to try and let go with her hands but then chickened out!)

What a cutie pants! I can't remember what she was telling me - but I'm sure it was very important!

Brooke was really good at the balance beam! I think she was the only one who could do it without me holding her hand.

I found these next two pictures on my camera when I uploaded them. Aubrey had taken them while she was sitting and watching. This was during stretching time. I was so impressed with how well Brooke was able to follow the instructions for the stretches.

 Even though this one is really blurry I had to put it on because Aubrey told me when I found the picture, "I thought Brookie looked really cute doing that so I took a picture. Are you glad that I took the picture?" What a little sweatheart she is!

Music time!

They marched all around the room shaking the bells and maraca!

It was such a cute little class and I know Brooke felt so special having her own class. She kept saying as we were walking to her class and then as we were leaving, "That's my Tumbling class." I love doing this kind of thing with my girls. I'm so glad that I can have a Mommy and Me tumbling class with my Brookie!

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