Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 3

I lost 4 pounds this week! I'm very happy about that! I've lost a total of 10 lbs. so far. I'm still able to keep the diet plan fairly easily. I did miss one day of exercises because I wasn't able to do it in the morning and then I wasn't feeling well later in the day.

Some new discoveries this week:

* After feeling kind of down on Monday I decided to try on some Capri pants - that I haven't been able to wear the last two summers. I figured it would either make me feel better or worse. But they fit and I was so excited! That was confirmation that I'm having  more success than the scale is showing.

* I have to do a warm up exercise every day that puts a lot of pressure on my hips. The first week it was very painful for me. It was piercing pain, kind of like when you have a bruise and you get hit right in that spot. The second week it was much less painful. This week there was no pain at all during that exercise!

* The girls are giving me more space when I exercise. They seem to have caught on that Mommy is not available to get them stuff and it's best not to climb all over me when I'm exercising.

* I HATE jumping jacks. And of course they are in every single warm-up. Maybe I'll learn to appreciate them more.

* My back has started hurting again this week which is disappointing. It's been pretty bad actually, so hopefully that goes away again soon!

I have family here visiting this week, so I'm hoping it won't be too hard to keep up with the routine. (I very much do not like exercising in front of people - especially when I'm not very good at it yet and I look pretty bad in my attempts.) I'm going to try my best to keep on track this week. Wish me luck!

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