Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 4

I lost 0 pounds this week. However, I had a pretty crazy week and was concerned that I would have gained weight. So, I'm happy at least that I didn't gain anythings.

* My parents came into town, my sister and her family came into town, my cousin and her boys were in town and stayed with us. All these things were super fun, but also made for changes in our routine. We had a retirement party for my Dad and a baby blessing and luncheon to attend. We went out to dinner a few times, had bbq's and dinner parties. So, needless to say, I wasn't able to follow my diet very well. I did the best that I could and ate lots of salads. There was only 1 time that I had to blow my diet completely because there wasn't anything I could try and make work (however the food was very yummy).
* I learned that I definitely need to be more exact with the diet to get results. Extra sauces and white instead of whole grains and store bought salad dressings (even when I stuck with the vinaigrette's) just don't cut it.

* I learned that eating less because there aren't many options for me doesn't seem to work well either. I probably ate less calories on most days than normal, but they weren't as healthy of calories.

* I learned that I need to bring my own food as a back up when I'm not cooking for myself. I had intended to bring dressing for myself on all of the eating elsewhere occasions, but I always forgot. I will need to not forget in the future. I probably also need to bring my own meat and just make myself a chicken salad or something.

* I did do my work out DVD's every day, however there was a couple days that I had to cut them short.

* I did find out that I have definitely built some muscles in my back. I made a cake for my Dad's retirement party. Generally when I make a cake, my back is in a lot of pain during and afterwards. Although I have had back pain for the last two weeks, my back held up during the cake making. It wasn't any worse during and after my decorating as it was before. So, I guess my pain is from straining a muscle or something in a specific spot (that actually seems to have healed now) and my new back muscles kicked in and worked for me during the decorating. That was such a happy surprise to get to make a cake and not be in excruciating pain!

* I've learned over the last few weeks that having set times that I eat and don't eat works really well for me. In the past I would spend time thinking about all of the yummy things I could eat after the kids went down for naps or bed. And then when they were down I would have a yummy snack. I thought that was going to be very hard for me with this diet. But, just knowing that that is out of the question, I don't even think about food. I really don't think about food very much at all anymore - which is fantastic!

Although I still have family in town this week, I'm hoping I can stick with the diet much better!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Heather, it's great that you have made some very healthy changes;)
