Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lots of Visitors!

 The last 2 weeks have been filled with lots of out of town visitors and lots of big events. It's been a ton of fun (and a bit exhausting as well!)

First Grandma came into town.

Then the next day, my cousin Amy and her two sons came to stay with us. One was here for basketball camp. The other one, Brady, is exactly Aubrey's age and they were such cute little friends!

 Esther and Isla came over to see the visitors. And of course Brooke was all about holding Isla!

Summer came to visit too. Brookie's giving Beckham a kiss and telling him to come out of Summer's tummy!

One afternoon we met Brady and Amy at a Pirate Pizza place. They kids had a blast.

I thought they looked so cute all lined up together playing Skee ball.

Showing off their Pirate tatoos that they won.

Later that afternoon we went to see my sister Cindy and her crew who had also just come into town.
All the girls came running to see Isla as she got her diaper changed. Too funny!

Here's Aubrey and cousin Cali playing Ring around the Rosies.

My Dad then came into town the day after he retired! Somehow he avoided all of my pictures!

Grandpa took all the kids to play at the school.


 We've taken a few trips to my sister Esther's apartment to play in her pool.

All my girls want to do is jump into the pool over and over and over again!

 Hi Merris'

Bathing Beauties!

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