Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brookie Bug

 Our Brookie Bug is just full of personality these days. She is such an independent little thing just like her sister. Nobody wants me to help them with anything these days! In some ways that's very good, in other ways it's pretty frustrating. But, I think in the long run, their strong will will serve them good in their life.

Brooke is back into wanting to wear a tutu all the time. I love how in this pic her glasses are upside down. Too cute!

 Here she is having a ball painting a princess. She loves doing arts and crafts just like her mom and sis!

She had a lot of fun in her tumbling class. Here she is learning a trick.

 She finished up her tumbling class and got this medal on the last day. She was pretty proud of it!

 She has begun some big girl things that she's proud of. One of which is potty training!
I had not planned to even embark on it until she was at least 2 1/2. But, apparently she had other ideas. One morning while I was braiding Aubrey's hair, she told me that she needed to go potty. I couldn't help her, but told her to try on her own. She went to the bathroom, was able to get undressed, went potty and wiped her bum, then came and told me she had gone. She also started waking up in the morning with a dry diaper. So, I figured that if she had enough control to hold it all night, and could pretty much do it all on her own, then she must be ready.

Here she is opening up her new big girl underpants.

Yesterday was the first day that we were home most of the day. So, I put her in her undies until nap time. She went three times on her potty and didn't have a single accident. Way to go Brookie!

She loves putting a sticker on her chart and getting an M&M.

 We also turned her crib into a toddler bed last week. Both she and Aubrey were very excited about this. She did fantastic for most of the night. She never once got out of bed. However at about 2 a.m. she started rolling off of her bed. She did this 3 times and was pretty upset each time. By the third time we just put her in bed with us.

We ordered a bed rail online that we are still waiting for. So, I had to put the crib back together in the meantime. So, hopefully the bed rail will be here soon and she can go back to her "big girl bed".

Brooke surprised me one morning last week, by singing the entire ABC's on her own. I got a video of it later in the day.

So, Brooke had been talking with a bit of a Russian accent. She pronounced her w's with a v sound. So, Jeff wanted me to take a video of it. Of course, she started pronouncing it correctly by the time I tried to video her. I included the video anyway, because she's so cute in it!

Brooke has decided in her old age of 2 that she knows everything. She is constantly telling us how things are "pose a be" (supposed to be).

She has gotten a bit of a naughty streak these days. I am hoping it's temporary 2 year old insanity. I remember Aubrey went through a phase like this as well, but is now very obedient, so I have high hopes it will be the same for Brooke.

She is still a little fish in the water. She'll jump right in and go all the way under the water with no problem. She'll go under waterfalls and float around the pool. It's fun to see her loving the water so much!

She's getting pretty good at dressing herself. Usually I have her work on it while I am working out. This way I don't get impatient with the amount of time that it takes her! She doesn't let me pick out her clothes anymore - but luckily she'll pick matching outfits or at least let me show her which clothes match as she's picking them out.

She likes wearing pig tails or having curls in her hair. She's such a girly girl.

She is remembering tons of lyrics to songs these days.

She likes when we tell people the funny/cute things that she says. She'll look up and say, "I said that" with a great big smile.

She is such a cute little monkey of a two year old. Oh how we love that little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Im marring your daughter Brooke and taking her to my place away from you. I'll treat her better and with no suffering. I will give her the sexual attraction she deserves and would love to experience with me. I'll teach her as a student that I greatly enjoy her using my mouth as a potty because it bonds us together. Thank you
