Monday, August 1, 2011

Aubrey Kaye

 My Aubrey is just a delightful little 4 year old. She is so full of energy and enthusiasm, but is also very sweet and compassionate. 

She loves having family come and visit. She gets so excited!

A few weeks ago she fell right asleep on Grandma's lap. They looked so cute snuggled up together.

Having fun playing with Aunt Summer. (This was taken before Summer had her baby)

 Her and JJ were hiding and rolling around in the blankets together.

One of the presents Zoe gave Aubrey for her birthday was a gift certificate to an Art Studio. You pick a ceramic and paint it with glaze. Then you leave it there to be fired.
Aubrey absolutely loved every minute of it.

 She picked a lady bug dish that would match her room. (I was very happy with her choice!)

She even wanted to paint it the right colors!

When she was finished we were told to come back in a week to pick it up. She literally asked me everyday, how many more days until she could pick up her lady bug.

Here she is with her completed ladybug. I think it turned out pretty dang good for a 4 year old! It now lives on her dresser full of bracelets.

 She wanted me to get a picture with her balloon too!

Even though Aubrey was technically not enrolled in the Tumbling class, the teacher was real nice and let her participate. At first she just played during free time. Then the class got pretty small (only 2-4 kids each time.) So, he just let her do the whole class. She was thrilled. She even got a medal too on the last day.

Here's Aubrey painting her princess. She wanted it to look like Snow White, so she asked me to get her a picture of Snow White to look at while she painted. She did a great job. I didn't get a picture of the front because before she finished Brooke spilled the dirty water and got it all over her Snow White. Then after I helped her fix it up, Brooke painted on Aubrey's princess. She was pretty annoyed at that point so we just cleaned it up and I forgot to get a pic. (Those 2 year old sisters!)
 One of Aubrey's lovely fashion statements!

 Aubrey has been very into doing math lately. She likes to add numbers together. This is something I haven't really taught her or encouraged her in, she just does it on her own.

She is also starting to draw with more detail. She has been drawing other objects besides people. She gets so excited when what she draws looks the way she meant it to be.

She's still enjoying her new found courage with climbing. She loves climbing on everything at the park. The problem is that she also tries to climb on everything at home - and then her little sister follows suit. I'm quite tired of telling them that climbing is for playgrounds and not the furniture!

She has become such a good eater. She's really not picky anymore. She'll eat what we serve her without complaint. She really likes most healthy foods. I am so glad to see her eating so well.

Oh that Aubrey - you can't help but smile when she's around!

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