Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Our town had their fireworks on Saturday this year. Jeff came home just in time to go and see the fireworks with us!

Here we all are in our matchy matchy shirts.

We found our spot about and hour and a half before the fireworks began. 

First we played some card games. Even Brooke was able to play our games.

It was fun playing all together.

Right after we finished our last game it started getting dark. So, we decked the girls out in glow bracelets and got out the snacks. I brought peas from our garden and air popped popcorn. Snacks I can eat!!

Then the fireworks began! It was a great show!

I love the sparkly gold ones.

It was such a fun night with our little family!

1 comment:

  1. Love your Fireworks pictures they are fantastic! Your healthy snacks sound delish!
