Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 5

I lost 2 pounds this week. I was really concerned again this week about not losing anything (or even worse gaining), so I am pleased with 2 pounds. It's been another challenging week with 4th of July and not eating at home and being completely off of our normal routine.

* I learned that I still have very little self control when it comes to dessert. I found some diet cookie recipes from the author of my diet plan (Tosca Reno). I figured with all of the yummy food surrounding the holiday and other events, I should make something I could eat too. The problem is that I can't just eat one. Now if the recipe was included in my meal plan and had it written that I could only eat one, I'd have no problem just eating the one. Crazy I know. So, I'm thinking I'll have to go back to not making even diet cookies and stick to the meal plan.

* I learned that I can definitely feel a difference when I eat sugar - even the more natural kinds. I made the above cookies with non-refined sugars (Turbinado & Sucanat) and when eating a few cookies a day I definitely felt worse then I did when I only used honey as a sweetener. (Now if I had only eaten one cookie, I may not have noticed a difference.)

* I learned that I need to not skip meals. Lots of unplanned things came up this week and so I wasn't home to eat my regularly scheduled meals. I think I ended up skipping a lot of my smaller meals this week. I have been exhausted all week and I think that may be part of the cause of my exhaustion. Yesterday I even got a pretty bad headache because I forgot about one of my meals.

So, I think things will slow down a lot this week and hopefully I can get back on my normal routine. But, overall, with my crazy week, I am pleased with a 2 pound weight loss.

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