Friday, July 22, 2011

Snow White Costume

I know this is kinda early, but I just finished Brooke's Halloween costume last night. I showed her it this morning and she absolutely loved it! She even wanted to model for pictures in it!

Somehow we started talking about Halloween costumes this month and she kept insisting that she wanted to be Snow White. Since, we'd already done Snow White before I wasn't all that excited about her choice. So, I started thinking about ways I could make it so that it wouldn't be just the standard costume. Then once my idea was in place, I couldn't rest until I made it. (I'm kinda crazy that way!)

I'm so happy that she loves it and that she looks absolutely adorable in it!

She loves tutu's, so I wanted to incorporate a tutu into her costume. Brooke's favorite part though is the little Snow White button in the middle of the flower.

Aubrey was trying to teach her to pose with her hands on her hips.

Aubrey wanted to pose with sissy too!

Now both girls costumes are made! (Aubrey's wearing her Strawberry Shortcake one that I made for her birthday.) The only good thing, in my book, about Summer ending is Halloween and fall festivals! Now we are ready for them!


  1. I'm a little angry with you right now - why did you steal all the talent. that costume is perfect!

  2. It turned out great! I'm so excited to make Ava's Halloween to decide what I want her to be.
