Monday, July 18, 2011

We LOVE the Library

 We just love the Summer programs at our local library.

The girls have enjoyed participating in the Summer reading program - and they get to turn their chart in for a prize next week!

They LOVE craft time. And have made some really fun things.

Here they are making flags.

 Even Grandma got to come with us one week!

My little patriotic cutie!

Then we pick out some books to check out.

Then head outside for story time and a picnic. (All Fall & Winter last year Aubrey kept asking when they were going to have outside story time again.)

This was another craft the girls loved from the Library. Little finger puppets that they got to cut out the clothing and glue it on. Here Brooke is giving her doll some chap stick!

Aubrey's doll that she did entirely on her own.

Last week Aubrey got to use model magic clay and sculpt a little bobble-head doll. I only helped her with the neck - the rest she did all on her own. I thought her little guy turned out so cute! She was especially proud of him!

I'm sad the Summer programs are winding down. We sure are going to miss them!

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