Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 6

I lost 1 pound this week. They say a healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week, so I guess I should be satisfied with how I am doing.

* I'm still finding it very hard to eat small meals every 3 hours. I am not at home very much, so it's just been really challenging.

* I have not been feeling well this week (female troubles) and so my workouts have been pretty pathetic. I think I worked out almost every day, but I usually only got about half of the workouts done a day.

* Today I was able to wear a pair of shorts that have been too small for the last couple of years. I was happy about that.

I'm hoping that this week I'll feel better and be able to do my workouts in their entirety. I think in a couple of weeks we will be back to a normal schedule. I do say that every week, I realize, but I think by next month things will settle down. I'm hoping August will be an awesome weight loss month for me.

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