Wednesday, August 17, 2011

That Girl Makes Me Laugh

During quiet time last Tuesday, Aubrey set up her little ponies and asked me to come and take a picture. Well, my battery was dead and it was quiet time, so I told her she could take a picture with her camera. She then asked, "If I take a picture with my camera, will it still go on the blog?" How cute is that! So, I told her I could still put it on the blog. A while later I went to the computer and her camera was sitting on the desk. She wanted to make sure her ponies got on the blog! That just melted my heart. Since, her pic. was pretty blurry, I hurried and took one with my old camera. I had forgotten about it until just now when I grabbed my old camera to take a quick pic. and then uploaded it. Of course, I had to put the picture of her ponies on the blog - since it was sooooo important to her. That Aubrey sure keeps me smiling!

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